Cappello, L., Veber, A. , Palacios, J. A., “Bayesian Nonparametrics Inference of Population Trajectories via Tajima Heterochronous Coalescent.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear [arXiv] [software]
Cappello, L., Padilla, O. M., Palacios, J. A., (2023) “Bayesian Change Point Detection with Spike and Slab Priors.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, in press [journal] [arXiv] [software]
Cappello, L.*, Kim, J.* , Palacios, J. A., (2023) “Bayesian Inference of Dependent Population Dynamics in Coalescent Models.” PLOS Computational Biology, in press [biorXiv] [software]. * first authors
Parikh, V. N. , Ioannidis, A. G. , …, Cappello, L., … Ashley, E. A. , (2022) “Deconvoluting complex correlates of COVID19 severity with a multi-omic pandemic tracking strategy.” Nature Communications, 13, 5107 [journal] [medrXiv]
Cappello, L., Kim, J. , Liu, S. , Palacios, J. A., (2022) “Statistical Challenges in Tracking the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2.” Statistical Science, 37(2): 162-182 [journal]
Cappello, L., Palacios, J. A., (2021) “Adaptive Preferential Sampling in Phylodynamics.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, in press, [arXiv] [journal][software]
Cappello, L., Ghosh, S., Palacios, J. A., (2020) Discussion (Invited) on “Horseshoe-based Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation of Effective Population Size Trajectories.” Biometrics, 76 (3) 691-694 [journal]
Cappello, L., Palacios, J. A., (2020) “Sequential Importance Sampling Algorithms for Multi-Resolution Kingman-Tajima Coalescent Counting.” Annals of Applied Statistics, 14 (2) 727-751. [arXiv] [journal][software]
Palacios, J. A., Veber, A. , Cappello, L., Wang, Z., Wakeley, J., Ramachandran, S., (2019) “Bayesian Estimation of Population Size Changes by Sampling Tajima’s Tree.” Genetics, 213 (3) 967-986 [bioRxiv] [journal][software]
Cappello, L., Walker, S. G., (2018) “A Recursive Multivariate Inversion of a Laplace Transform for Probability Distributions.”, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 20 777-797. [journal]
Submitted Papers
Cappello, L., Padilla, O. M., ``Variance Change Point Detection with Credible Sets.” [arXiv] [software]
Cappello, L., Walker, S. G., “Recursive Nonparametric Predictive for a Discrete Regression model.” (SBSS Best Student Paper Prize at JSM 2018, BNP at Paris 2017 Best Poster Award) (Revision due to Computational Statistics and Data Analysis)
Cappello, L., Walker, S. G., “Recursive Estimation of Probability Distributions.”
Papers in Preparation
Cappello, L., Walker, S. G., “Bivariate Bayesian Recursive Predictive Distributions.”
Cappello, L., Walker, S. G., “Recursive Sampling from a Distribution given its Laplace Transform.”